Of Might and Magic

Dragon Cape 1.1
Размер:S Людей:2 Игроков:2
Мыс драконов веками привлекал к себе искателей сокровищ и авантюристов. Существует легенда, что где-то в песках мыса скрыты руины древнего города драконов. Тому, кто отважится сразиться со стражами города и сможет победить их, достанутся в награду несметные богатства!

Coming Home
Размер:S Людей:1 Игроков:2

New Master
Размер:S Людей:1 Игроков:2
In the kingdom of Baroca  the perfect prison was designed .    The mages of the Golden Oak created spheres ,as large as a child's head, in which small worlds exists.Only a mage of the order has the knowledge to get someone out of there , and not even them can get out from he inside.

Into the Tundra
Размер:S Людей:1 Игроков:3
Scenario Introduction - Tundra Bound: "This cannot and will not go on, Vala", King Red'Fay proclaims as you enter his war tent. "I need you to find and return the Tear

Tales of Silentia
Размер:S Людей:2 Игроков:2

Rakshasas Revolt v1.0
Размер:S Людей:1 Игроков:4
Из местного святилища ракшас, в провинции магов Лахур, что находится на севере пустыни Хаан-Хара, пропала древняя реликвия "Слеза Асхи". Узнав об этом происшествии, ракшасы немедленно подняли восстание против магов, обвинив их в пропаже своей святыни.

All for One
Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:3
Three life-long friends become enemies when each inherits a portion of the kingdom following the King's death. You must show your former friends how to rule... through conquest.

The Enigma v2.1
Размер:S Людей:2 Игроков:2
H5 HoF expansion required. (c) Aethelfern

Fury of the Elements
Размер:M Людей:1 Игроков:3

Dragon Hill 1.2
Размер:M Людей:1 Игроков:3
For so long the "Dragon Hill" has manage to keep these two settlements apart..... But there is a rumour spread over the hilly ground.... The King on each side are building an Army... And the goal are to rule these Great Hills alone..... Be prepared....

The Crescent FFA
Размер:L Людей:6 Игроков:6
For 300 years a cult of Death Knights had been amassing treasure in a hidden fort on the island. It soon become clear that whoever claimed this treasure would easily gain control of the entire region. Soon all the factions bordering Crescent Isle were squabbling over who rightfully owned the Crescent. It was inevitable. It was war.

Ruins in the Desert
Размер:M Людей:1 Игроков:4

Dark Forest
Размер:XL Людей:4 Игроков:4

Seize The Throne
Размер:XL Людей:6 Игроков:6
When emperor Claudius III died, his son assumed rule of the empire. He overthrew centries old monarchies in the kingdoms that make up the Thalacian Empire and enthroned puppets. Claudius IV has now died leaving no heir. Will one of his puppet kings assume rule or will someone else seize the throne?

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