Владыки Севера

Arrogance v2.1
Размер:S Людей:4 Игроков:4
Once many centuries ago everybody lived in peace. Four nations lived in harmony and cooperated with each other. Years passed - you got the power. This map is remake of the one form H3. Author: Ogo Version 2.1

Two Halfs
Размер:S Людей:2 Игроков:2
It is the island, where white and black are completing for ages in order to define, which is more powerful.

Размер:S Людей:4 Игроков:4
If you have war plans you should not act slowly. The best way to stay alive - is to make your attack swist and quick, and to trust in your talent of warlord.

Vampire Destroyers
Размер:S Людей:1 Игроков:2
Мрак пришел на эльфийские земли. Клан высших вампиров "Шип", появившись из вечной тьмы подземелий, все чаще обращает свой взор в сторону вечнозеленых лесов, мечтая испить до дна всю их жизненную силу.

Unequal Conditions
Размер:S Людей:3 Игроков:3
What do the two towns with equal power have to do, if the enemy is in much more convinient conditions for war? The answer is obvious - unite in the mutual union. And how let the enemy think, does he really need the war.

Bk The School
Размер:M Людей:6 Игроков:6
All the nations must struggle to survive as only one will prevail in the end. Each player has unique advantages. Explore the surprises of each. Take nothing for granted, and keep an open mind. This map is intended to be played many times and get more interesting with each discovery. Scripting is very advanced with many unique places and things to find.

All for One HoF
Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:3
Three life-long friends become enemies when each inherits a portion of the kingdom following the King's death. You must show your former friends how to rule... through conquest.

Sacred Town
Размер:M Людей:3 Игроков:3
Three peaceful kingdoms always were friendly and maintained cooperation. They were not attracted by other lands and other riches, because there was no lack of anything. They were not overcome by the thirst of authority and they all maintained peace and friendship. This harmony was destroyed by the rumour about the sacred town...

Harsh Times
Размер:M Людей:5 Игроков:5
Во времена затишья быстро забываются скрежет стали и гром падающих с неба метеоров. К сожалению этот долгий мир был прерван и снова пришла война. Уже новые воины обретают боевые умения, а маги ищут давно забытые колдовские тексты в недрах этого мира.

Superfluous Trouble
Размер:M Людей:1 Игроков:4
Король умер. Единственная наследница престола, его дочь Элоиза, долгое время не желает приступать к своим обязанностям, тяжело переживая смерть отца и не выходя из своих покоев в замке. Со временем она коронуется и начинает наводить порядок в королевство.

The Chaos Began
Размер:M Людей:4 Игроков:4
Большая беда пришла в эти земли. Огромный метеорит, предвещавший своим видом конец света, упал и разрушил пол мира. Теперь, в бывшем цветущем крае, где богатств было столько, что даже никто не хотел воевать и где в каждом городе был Зал Асхи, разрушено всё. Остались только слёзы первого дракона.

The Virgin of Ponce 2
Размер:M Людей:1 Игроков:6
The Virgin Of Ponce, Episode II, Sorcerer's Apprentice The Virgin decides to sail to a land where Magic dominates so that she might learn its use. Unfortunately, a sudden storm wrecks her ship and maroons her on a small island with a few of her men. She has a feeling that the storm was unnatural. A tale of Might and Magic by rdeford, Mage of Soquim

The Cloverleaf War
Размер:M Людей:4 Игроков:4
Two against two in a land shaped like a cloverleaf. The four petals are equal in resources and position, so the skills of the players are what will allow one team to win over the other. Two obvious routes to victory present themselves-- one by land and one by sea. But, the obvious route is not always the best, or so they say.

Ultimatum v1.1
Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:2
Давний спор между соседями о том по чьему берегу реки должна проходить граница, уже давно грозил перейти в конфликт. Было много встреч, переговоров, но все попытки уладить спор мирным путем не к чему не приводили. Никто ни хотел уступать и, в конце концов, терпение одного из королей лопнуло.

Two Coasts v1.5
Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:2
Река всегда разделяла границы двух соседей, но уже не раз в их истории эти берега обагрялись кровью. Похоже, что и этот раз не будет исключением!

Lord Garrick Stahlrad
Размер:L Людей:1 Игроков:4
You are Lord Garrick Stahlrad, son to King Stahlrad and heir to the throne. Your kingdom has enjoyed times of peace and prosperity under your fathers rule. But your brother, Lord Charron, has always felt that the kingdom could be more than it was. He urged your father to wage war upon the neighbouring lands, but your father never agreed.

Zandragar Stratagem
Размер:M Людей:4 Игроков:4
When the Mad Mage Zandragar decided to build a Wizard's tower, he wanted it built in the most isolated place possible. Mount Barada would have been the perfect place for this tower, if it wasnt for the small kingdoms which dwelled on its hills. Each kingdom was separated from each other by natural barriers, and would be very difficult to evict from their lands.

Rumple Quest
Размер:L Людей:1 Игроков:4
While exploring his subterrainian domain, Rumple the Dwarf saw a dark-skinned Elven maiden bathing in a glowing pool. So enchanted was he by her beauty that he vowed there and then to have her for his own, come what may! Before he could act, however, she had disappeared into the dark.

Mages in the desert
Размер:L Людей:1 Игроков:4
Многие годы четыре фантастических расы жили мирно, но со временем гномы и демоны объединились в союз и стали нападать на магов. В принципе, магам есть чем ответить на эти инсинуации... А эльфы вообще решили держать нейтралитет.

Shadow Dreams
Размер:L Людей:4 Игроков:7
When personal tragedy strikes will the captain of the militia fall to despair or rise to be the savior the world so desparately needs?

The Six Factions
Размер:L Людей:6 Игроков:6
There are 4 points of entry at each player area - Paths lead to the 2 adjacent player areas - 1 monolith teleports heroes to the furthest player area - 1 subterranean gate leads to an underground subway that connects to all player areas - The keymaster tent is required for access to the Tear of Asha

Extra Large
Размер:XL Людей:4 Игроков:4
What will force these courageous heroes to leave their lands: the thurst for big fights? a wish to spread the properly and power of their nation? the search of enormous dragons treasures? There is extra large possibility that the spheres of interests will intersect and if this happens nothing will be able to prevent real heroic battles.

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