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1 Amused Player
Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:4
Protect Your Computer Partner. 2 Players ,2 Comps . Team Number :2

Размер:M Людей:6 Игроков:6
You have been abducted for unknown reasons. Now you must find your way to freedom.

A Narrow Divide
Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:4

After the Flood
Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:2
A massive flood has devastated the Duchy of Fenmoor.  The capital city is nearly submerged in a swamp, its fields wiped out, and its people starving.  Massive food riots have caused the Duke to flee in fear for his life, and anarchy grips the land.  Who has the will and the courage to restore order to the ravaged Duchy of Fenmoor?

Accidental hero
Размер:M Людей:1 Игроков:4
Alessandro, young druid, was born in Aranorn. He spent all his life on the border. One day, outpost was attacked by very strong army and our hero ran away throw the portal. But nobody knew, where is it's exit. Your task is find way to Aranorn from this strange and dangerous world.

Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:4
Арабика славилась своими богатыми землями за тысячи километров вокруг.Много поколений народы, населяющие Арабику жили в мире и согласии. Но неправильное пользование дарами привело к осушению почв и изменению климата. Десятилетие засухи и голода заставило восстать оставшихся поселенцев друu против друга.

Another Island
Размер:M Людей:5 Игроков:5
There is an island in the sea. Four brothers-barbarians keep the power, sitting in a stronghold in the middle. Who could defeat them?

Attention New Year in denger
Размер:M Людей:1 Игроков:2
В некогда спокойное и тихое королевство врывается самый беспощадный хаос со своим повелителем Нортикусом. Нортикус придумал заточить Санта Клауса в его же доме, ведь без него не наступит Новый год, а если Новый год не наступит, тогда все живое обратится в прах. И хаос овладеет Миром.

Размер:M Людей:4 Игроков:4

Babylon Gate
Размер:M Людей:4 Игроков:5
In the underground Liserg is praparing his terrible attack. Be careful, there are more lords in this world that want to defeat you.

Barbarian Duels
Размер:M Людей:2 Игроков:2
2 player medium map designed primarily for hotseat or multiplayer. A barbarian slugfest, with a little magic :)

Beltway II
Размер:M Людей:3 Игроков:3
This map is a small copy of the map Beltway from heroes

Размер:M Людей:3 Игроков:3
Three kingdoms, three rullers - who will be the one?

Boggle (4-player allied)
Размер:M Людей:4 Игроков:4
You live in a bog--a confuzing maze of water and wetland, but your chief arcitect has a plan to build a huge dam around the swamp and drain it, leaving fertile grasslands. Help him, and he'll help you by blasting away the barriers that separate you from your enemies.

Beyond The Bastard Reach
Размер:M Людей:6 Игроков:6
A greedy bastard has taken care to keep this land pure of eaters but himself. Who ever tries to approach and interrupt his disgusting gluttoning, won't do so for long - alive. From your hiding place, you've been able to watch him without being noticed yourself.

Burn Them
Размер:M Людей:1 Игроков:3
Young Lord Byron was never a typical child.  His innate ability toward pyrotechnics and his enthusiastic practice of  sorcery gained him the nick name \"Pyro\".In an effort to thwart his young heir\'s tendency to burn down the entire kingdom, Pyro\'s father encouraged him to find other interests.  After much experimentation, the fiery prince proved to be somewhat skilled in botany and found great pleasure in growing exotic plants...

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